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Shoulder Impingement

The shoulder joint allows a wide range of motion of the arm, with tendons that connect to muscles and hold the joint in place. When these tendons become inflamed, it can cause pain, weakness and loss of mobility. This condition is called shoulder impingement, also referred to as swimmer’s or tennis shoulder. Calming the inflammation and removing irritating elements that cause inflammation in the shoulder joint can relieve the pain and improve the mobility for those with shoulder impingement.

Shoulder impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain in adults. The inflammation of the rotator cuff or tendons in the shoulder joint is usually caused by repeated overhead movement of the arms. Certain sports and activities like reaching, playing tennis or swimming can aggravate the tendons, causing inflammation. Bursitis, bone spurs or tendonitis impacting the rotator cuff can cause shoulder impingement, as well as small tears in the rotator cuff itself.

Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain

Pain and weakness caused by shoulder impingement can usually be treated with conservative methods. Rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medications are the most common treatments to relieve the inflamed tendons and allow the shoulder joint to heal from overexertion. Anti-inflammatory injections may also be recommended for treatment. However, if there is damage to the tendons or a physical element causing irritation to the rotator cuff, surgery may be needed to repair the issue.

Shoulder impingement surgery is recommended when shoulder tendons are torn or there are bone growths irritating the tendons, causing inflammation. Dr. Kerisimasi Reynolds offers both non-surgical and surgical options for shoulder impingement at his orthopedic practice to give relief from severe shoulder pain. Dr. Reynolds prefers minimally-invasive treatment options whenever possible; if surgery is needed, he will discuss the least invasive options to reduce risks and achieve the best results for his patients. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation.

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